MAT 230: Medical Assistant Preceptorship

Credits 2

This course is a medical assisting capstone course. The student is expected to apply administrative, clinical, and laboratory knowledge while under the supervision of a designated preceptor. The student performs administrative, clinical, and laboratory skills while displaying positive affective behaviors expected of a medical assistant in the medical setting. The total number of contact hours must be a minimum of 160 hours in length. The content of the course is aligned with standards and guidelines from the Medical Assisting Education Review Board (MAERB) in collaboration with CAAHEP. 

Credit Hours: 2 

Lecture: 0 

Lab: 0 

Clinical/Practicum: 2 (5 contact hours:1 credit hour) 


MAT 102 and MAT 103 or BIO 201 and BIO 202

Prerequisite Courses
