Emergency Medical Technician (STC-EMT)

Degree Type
Short-Term Certificate

Program Locations: Atmore, Bay Minette, Brewton, Brookley Field, Fairhope, and Monroeville Campuses

Nursing and Allied Health Division

Length: One Semester


This program is designed to prepare students for employment as Emergency Medical Technicians at the basic level. Upon completion of the training certificate, graduates are eligible to apply for the National Registry examination. An Alabama Basic EMT license is obtained by passing this examination. 

  1. Have unconditional admission to the College and be an active student in good standing (minimum, cumulative 2.0 GPA). 
  2. Submit transcripts from all colleges/schools attended (including high school) to the registrar or admissions. 
  3. Declare an EMT training certificate major. 
  4. Meet Essential Eligibility Criteria. 

Upon provisional acceptance into the core Emergency Medical Technician courses, students are required to provide the following: Drug screen, background check, physical exam documenting the ability to meet essential eligibility criteria, record of immunizations, proof of medical insurance, and American Heart Association BLS CPR certification for the healthcare provider. Accepted students will receive a link to the online compliance platform, CastleBranch, to upload these items.  

Clinical agencies reserve the right to deny clinical clearance, which may deem a student ineligible for program participation.  

Emergency Medical Technician testing/lab fees may be assessed for select courses.  

The Emergency Medical Technician courses may be offered in a hybrid format. Students should be familiar with technical requirements for Coastal Alabama distance education.  

Note: Students desiring to obtain BLS CPR certification at Coastal may enroll in EMS 100 during the first semester of the Emergency Medical Technician program. American Heart Association BLS CPR may be obtained through an alternate training agency, if preferred. 


An Emergency Medical Technician short-term certificate will be awarded to students who successfully complete all required courses with a grade of  “C” (75) or higher. Graduates are eligible to apply for the National Registry examination. Students are responsible for meeting all progression and graduation requirements. 

This is a career program designed for students to go directly into the labor market upon completion. Although some of the courses in this program will transfer to four-year institutions, this program is not designed to be a transfer program of study; therefore, it is not subject to the terms and conditions of Alabama Transfers state transfer and articulation reporting system. 

*Short-term certificate not eligible for federal aid. 

Semester One

EMS 100 is an optional course for students to pursue CPR certification for the healthcare provider. EMS 107 is an optional course for students to pursue Emergency Vehicle Operator Course - Ambulance training. 

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Nursing and Allied Health Website