Welding - Pipe Welding - SMAW Carbon Pipe (STC-WD3)

Degree Type
Short-Term Certificate

Program Locations:  The Academy at Fairhope Airport, Atmore, Monroeville, and Thomasville Campuses

Welding and Career Technology Division

Length: One Semester

This short-term certificate is designed to prepare individuals with employment skills necessary for a career in Pipe Welding. The program is competency based that includes both theory and hands on practical application based instruction. Instruction is provided in various processes and techniques of welding and cutting different types of materials.

This is a career program designed for students to go directly into the labor market upon completion. Although some of the courses in this program will transfer to four-year institutions, this program is not designed to be a transfer program of study; therefore, it is not subject to the terms and conditions of Alabama Transfers state transfer and articulation reporting system.

* Short-term certificate not eligible for federal aid.

Semester One

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