Original Approval: 04/01/2022
Last Updated: 04/08/2024
Last Reviewed: 04/08/2024
It is the policy of Coastal Alabama Community College to ensure compliance with federal and state regulations as well as Alabama Community College System (ACCS) policies related to Instructional Programs and regarding the level of credit awarded for courses taught at all colleges within the ACCS, regardless of the format or mode of delivery. The ACCS requires all institutions in the System to operate on a semester system.
NOTE: This policy is subject to change at any time without notification. ACCS policies related to Academic Instruction supersede this policy.
It is the policy of Coastal Alabama Community College that students follow class attendance requirements as indicated in the course syllabi.
The following ACCS policies are referenced in this policy:
- ACCS Board of Trustees Policy 809.01 - Attendance
- Chancellor's Procedures for Policy 809.01 - Attendance
This policy applies to all Coastal Alabama Community College students and employees during any activity involving the College, including the workday. In addition, visitors, vendors, contractors, and all other non-employees are expected to recognize and comply with College policies.
Attendance: The action or state of going regularly to or being present at a place or event.
Attendance Verification: The process of verifying a student’s initial attendance in a course.
Distance Education: Distance education at Coastal Alabama Community College is defined as a formal educational process in which the majority of the instruction (interaction between students and instructors and among students) in a course occurs when students and instructors are not in the same physical location. Instruction may be synchronous or asynchronous. A distance education course at Coastal Alabama Community College is any course in which students may complete fifty percent (50%) or more of the requirements through the College’s learning management system. Distance education courses at Coastal Alabama Community College may be classified as Online, Hybrid Online, or HyFlex. Traditional courses are not classified as distance education courses.
Hybrid: These courses are delivered approximately fifty percent (50%) asynchronously online and approximately fifty percent (50%) face-to-face on campus.
Online: These courses are delivered one hundred percent (100%) asynchronously online using the College’s learning management system.
Semester System: A semester system is defined as a fall semester, spring semester, and a summer term.
Traditional: These courses are face-to-face on campus and web-enhanced with technology-based course resources that complement in-person class sessions without reducing the number of required class meetings.
- Although an occasional absence may be unavoidable, it in no way excuses a student from meeting the requirements of the course.
- Participation in a college-sponsored activity may be regarded as an excused absence. Students are responsible for informing their instructor of an absence due to a college-sponsored activity.
- All students are responsible for preparing all assignments for the next class and for completing work missed.
Excused absences are subject to verification and may include but may not be limited to the following: active military duty, jury duty, and/or other absences as approved by the Dean of Student Services. Other excused absences may be approved by the appropriate Instructional Officer.
NOTE: Nursing and Allied Health clinical and skills lab attendance is defined by accreditation standards and state board policies. Refer to individual course syllabi or Program Handbook.
- Attendance must be verified for each student in each class at the beginning of each term through the completion of each course’s syllabus quiz. Students whose attendance is not verified through the syllabus quiz will be reported as non-attending and purged from the course roll. They may request that the instructor approve their reinstatement.
- Students who are conditionally reinstated are required to complete the syllabus quiz. Students who do not complete the syllabus quiz after reinstatement will be removed from the course.
Additional Provisions/Information
Refer to Financial Aid Policy if receiving any type of financial aid regarding repetition of courses.