Original Approval: 02/05/2024
Last Updated: 07/01/2024
Last Reviewed: 07/01/2024
It is the policy of Coastal Alabama Community College to comply with ACCS Board Policy 202.01, with regard to the appoint advisory committees.
The College is committed to utilizing various institution-wide standing committees to support effective planning and decision making within the College. The purpose of this policy is to identify the College’s standing committees and to provide a general framework for committee responsibilities and procedures.
This policy applies to all Coastal Alabama Community College students and employees during any activity involving the College, including the workday. In addition, visitors, vendors, contractors, and all other non-employees are expected to recognize and comply with College policies.
Committee: A body of persons assigned by procedure and membership and delegated to consider, investigate, and take action and report on some matter; a committee has a sustained presence that is seen through regularly scheduled meetings.
Sub-Committee: Organized for a specific purpose to continue an aspect of committee work and whose members may or may not stem from the standing committee.
Task Force, Ad Hoc, Work Group: A temporary grouping of individuals for the purpose of accomplishing a definite objective, with members that may or may not stem from a standing committee. These groupings typically remain active for less than one year.
Administrator: An Administrator is a position that is a Manager level or higher on the College’s organizational chart.
Professional Staff: A Professional Staff is a position that is exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). These positions are typically Accountants, Advisors, Career Coaches, Coordinators, Specialists, or Supervisors and are typically on the local C salary schedule.
Support Staff: A Support Staff is a position that is non-exempt from the Fair Labor Standard Act (FLSA). These positions are typically Assistants, Generalists, or Technicians and are typically on the E salary schedule.
Instructor: An Instructor is a full-time instructional position and is typically on the D salary schedule.
Quorum: The minimum number of members of a committee/sub-committee that must be present at any of its meetings to make the proceedings of that meeting valid is more than 50% of voting members.
- Standing Committees and Sub-Committees: Coastal Alabama Community College’s standing committee structure includes five standing committees that may include sub-committees. Standing Committees function under the direction of the Executive Cabinet.
- Executive Cabinet:
- Committee Purpose: The Executive Cabinet evaluates the College’s programs and services, is responsible for providing advice and counsel to the President, and develops and approves all polices within the framework of the Board of Trustees policies. The Executive Cabinet also evaluates the overall operation of the College and its goals and objectives and makes necessary recommendations to the President to enhance the College’s efforts in accomplishing its mission.
- Authority: The Executive Cabinet has local authority over all college decision making granted by the Board of Trustees. The Executive Cabinet also provides oversight and direction the Sub-Committees under its direction. Sub-Committees include:
- Behavioral Threat Assessment Sub-Committee
- Sick Leave Bank Sub-Committe
- Committee Chair(s): College President
- Committee Membership:
- Chief Communication Officer
- Chief Financial Officer (Regional)
- Dean – Academic Instruction
- Dean – Career Technology
- Dean – External Funding and Institutional Effectiveness
- Dean – Nursing and Allied Health
- Dean – Student Services
- Dean – Workforce
- Executive Director – Human Resources
- Executive Director – Technology Services (in absence of a Chief Information Officer)
- Vice President
- Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) Sub-Committee
- Sub-Committee Purpose: The sub-committee is responsible for evaluating behavioral threats and intervening as appropriate.
- Sub-Committee Authority: The sub-committee has the authority to make recommendations on policy related matters to the Executive Cabinet. Non-policy decisions are brought to Executive Cabinet for informational purposes.
- Sub-Committee Chair(s): Executive Director – Human Resources and Dean – Student Services
- Sub-Committee Membership:
- College Police Chief
- Title IX Coordinator
- Campus Director (where applicable)
- Director – Student Development (where applicable)
- Manager – Housing (where applicable)
- Specialist – ADA (where applicable)
- Agency liaisons, as needed
- Sick Leave Bank Sub-Committee:
- Sub-Committee Purpose: The sub-committee approves the loan of sick leave days for its participating members after their accumulated sick leave days have been exhausted. The bank will be operated, managed, and governed by the Sick Leave Bank Sub-Committee. The sub-committee elects the chair. The Sick Leave Bank Sub-Committee provides governance of the Sick Leave Bank according to State guidelines.
- Sub-Committee Authority: The Sick Leave Bank Sub-Committee provides governance of the Sick Leave Bank according to State Guidelines.
- Sub-Committee Chair(s): Manager – Human Resources (President’s designee)
- Sub-Committee Membership: Per https://codes.findlaw.com/al/title-16-education/al-code-sect-16-22-9.html members of the sick bank will elect four (4) members of the sick bank to serve as committee members.
- Administrative Services Committee:
- Committee Purpose: The Administrative Services Committee provides oversight and direction the Sub-Committees under its direction. Sub-Committees include:
- Courtesy Fund Sub-Committee
- Data Security Response Sub-Committee
- Emergency Response Sub-Committee
- Committee Authority: The Administrative Services Committee has the authority to bring policy recommendations from Sub-Committees to Executive Cabinet for approval. Non-policy decisions are brought to Executive Cabinet for informational purposes.
- Committee Chair(s): Chief Financial Officer, Executive Director – Human Resources, and Executive Director – Technology Services (in absence of Chief Information Officer)
- Committee Membership:
- Courtesy Fund Sub-Committee Chair
- Data Security Response Sub-Committee Chair
- Emergency Response Sub-Committee Chair
- Courtesy Fund Sub-Committee:
- Sub-Committee Purpose: The sub-committee dispenses pre-determined funds for members in circumstances such as bereavement, marriage, retirement, childbirth, hospitalization, and other matters as approved by the members.
- Sub-Committee Authority: The sub-committee has the authority to distribute funds to members of the Courtesy Fund for the reasons identified in the sub-committee purpose. Non-policy decisions are brought to the Administrative Services Committee for informational purposes.
- Sub-Committee Chair(s): Director – Fiscal Services
- Sub-Committee Membership:
- 2 Administrators
- 2 Professional Staff
- 2 Support Staff
- 3 Instructors
- Data Security Response Sub-Committee:
- Sub-Committee Purpose: The purpose of this sub-committee is to ensure compliance with data security policies and procedures. The sub-committee may make recommendations concerning changes to data security policies and procedures.
- Sub-Committee Authority: The committee has the authority to make recommendations on policy related matters to the Administrative Services Committee. Non-policy decisions are brought to the Administrative Services Committee for informational purposes.
- Sub-Committee Chair(s): Executive Director – Technology Services
- Sub-Committee Membership:
- College Police Chief
- Director – Financial Aid
- Director – Fiscal Services
- Executive Director – Human Resources
- Registrar
- 1 Instructor
- Emergency Response Sub-Committee:
- Sub-Committee Purpose: The sub-committee ensures that appropriate health and safety standards are maintained and are in compliance with applicable codes and regulations. The sub-committee is also responsible for the annual review of the College’s Emergency Operations Plan and Annual Security and Fire Safety Report.
- Sub-Committee Authority: The sub-committee has the authority to make recommendations on policy related matters to the Administrative Services Committee. Non-policy decisions are brought to the Administrative Services Committee for informational purposes.
- Sub-Committee Chair(s): College Police Chief.
- Sub-Committee Membership:
- Chief Communications Officer
- College Police Sergeants
- Coordinator – Operations Projects
- Directors – Facilities
- Vice President
- Committee Purpose: The Administrative Services Committee provides oversight and direction the Sub-Committees under its direction. Sub-Committees include:
- Curriculum Committee:
- Committee Purpose: The committee reviews and/or approves curriculum matters. The Curriculum Committee provides oversight and direction to the sub-committees under its direction. Sub-Committees include:
- Distance Education Sub-Committee
- General Education Competencies Sub-Committee
- Committee Authority: The committee has the authority to make recommendations on policy related matters to Executive Cabinet. Non-policy decisions are brought to Executive Cabinet for informational purposes.
- Committee Chair(s): Dean – Academic Instruction, Dean – Career Technology, Dean – Workforce Development, and Vice President.
- Committee Membership:
- Director – Academic Instruction
- Director – Career Technology
- Director – Nursing
- Director – Allied Health
- All Division Chairs
- Distance Education Sub-Committee:
- Sub-Committee Purpose: The sub-committee reviews the online courses and distance education opportunities for students. The sub-committee makes recommendations concerning online course improvements for student success. The sub-committee serves as an advisory committee to provide recommendations to the Instructional Officers non-traditional learning activities including, but not limited to, those involving technological advances.
- Sub-Committee Authority: The sub-committee has the authority to make recommendations on policy related matters to the Curriculum Committee. Non-policy decisions are brought to Curriculum Committee for informational purposes.
- Sub-Committee Chair(s): Director – Center for Teaching and Learning
- Sub-Committee Membership:
- Director – Library Services
- Director – Financial Aid
- Specialist – ADA
- 2 Administrators
- 3 Instructors
- 2 Professional Staff
- 2 Support Staff
- General Education Competencies Sub-Committee:
- Competencies Sub-Committee is to provide continuous review and evaluation of the College's general education competencies and to oversee the following processes for student learning outcomes: development, assessment, analysis, and implementation of improvement plans.
- Sub-Committee Authority: The sub-committee has the authority to make recommendations on policy related matters to the Curriculum Committee. Non-policy decisions are brought to Curriculum Committee for informational purposes.
- Sub-Committee Chair(s): Director – Academic Instruction.
- Sub-Committee Membership:
- 6 Instructors.
- Committee Purpose: The committee reviews and/or approves curriculum matters. The Curriculum Committee provides oversight and direction to the sub-committees under its direction. Sub-Committees include:
- Institutional Effectiveness Committee:
- Committee Purpose: The Committee ensures that the institution engages in ongoing, comprehensive, and integrated research-based planning and evaluation processes that (a) focus on institutional quality and effectiveness and (b) incorporate a systematic review of institutional goals and outcomes consistent with its mission. In addition, the Committee ensures compliance with SACSCOC standards. The Institutional Effectiveness Committee provides oversight and direction to the Sub-Committees under its direction. Sub-Committees include:
- Program Review Sub-Committee
- Strategic Planning Sub-Committee
- Committee Authority: The committee has the authority to make recommendations on policy related matters to the Executive Cabinet. Non-policy decisions are brought to Executive Cabinet for informational purposes.
- Committee Chair(s): Dean – External Funding and Institutional Effectiveness and Director – Institutional Effectiveness, Research, and Planning.
- Committee Membership:
- Director – Academic Instruction
- Director – Allied Health
- Director – Center for Teaching and Learning
- Director – Career Technology
- Director – Early College Enrollment
- Director – Enrollment Services
- Director – Financial Aid
- Director – Fiscal Services
- Director – Library Services
- Director – Nursing
- Director – Student Development
- Executive Director – Human Resources
- Specialist – Institutional Effectiveness
- Student Government President or designee
- Registrar
- Program Review Sub-Committee:
- Sub-Committee Purpose: The sub-committee reviews programs for vitality, retention, and success.
- Sub-Committee Authority: The sub-committee has the authority to make recommendations on changes or improvements to academic programs that are under review per the program review schedule. Program Committee recommendations are made to the applicable Instructional Dean and the President.
- Sub-Committee Chair(s): Dean – Workforce Development
- Sub-Committee Membership:
- Chief Financial Officer
- Dean – Academic Instruction
- Dean – Career Technology
- Dean – External Funding and Institutional Effectiveness
- Dean – Nursing and Allied Health
- Director – Early College Enrollment
- Director – Enrollment Services
- Director – Institutional Effectiveness, Research, and Planning
- Director - Marketing
- Executive Director – Human Resources
- Strategic Planning Sub-Committee:
- Sub-Committee Purpose: The sub-committee is the long-range planning entity for the College. It is responsible for developing and planning the College’s ongoing one-year, three-year, and five-year strategic plan of operation. In addition, the specific role of the sub-committee is to review and update the College’s mission, philosophy, and objectives, continually evaluate the College’s progress toward meeting its objectives, and to assess and recommend research studies and evaluation methods to measure the achievement of the College’s overall institutional effectiveness.
- Sub-Committee Authority: The sub-committee has the authority to make recommendations on policy related matters to the Institutional Effectiveness Committee. Non-policy decisions are brought to the Institutional Effectiveness Committee for informational purposes.
- Sub-Committee Chair(s): Dean – External Funding and Institutional Effectiveness and Director – Institutional Effectiveness, Research, and Planning
- Sub-Committee Membership:
- All Directors
- All Managers
- Executive Cabinet
- Committee Purpose: The Committee ensures that the institution engages in ongoing, comprehensive, and integrated research-based planning and evaluation processes that (a) focus on institutional quality and effectiveness and (b) incorporate a systematic review of institutional goals and outcomes consistent with its mission. In addition, the Committee ensures compliance with SACSCOC standards. The Institutional Effectiveness Committee provides oversight and direction to the Sub-Committees under its direction. Sub-Committees include:
- Student and Academic Affairs Committee:
- Committee Purpose: The Student and Academic Affairs Committee serves in an advisory capacity to Instructional and Student Services Officers on the following matters:
- Changes to the College Catalog
- Development and recommendation of the College’s Academic Calendar
- Development and implementation of the Enrollment Management Plan (including development of recruitment materials, communication plan, orientation, registration, and data analysis)
- Recommendations on Admissions Policies
- Recommendations on Student Withdrawal Policies
- Reviews and makes recommendations of student record keeping procedures
- The Student and Academic Affairs Committee provides oversight and direction to the Sub-Committees under its direction. Sub-Committees include:
- Scholarship Policy Sub-Committee
- Scholarship Award Sub-Committee
- Student Appeals Sub-Committe
- Committee Authority: The committee has the authority to make recommendations on policy related matters to the Executive Cabinet. Non-policy decisions are brough to the Executive Cabinet for informational purposes.
- Committee Chair(s): Dean – Student Services and Dean – Nursing and Allied Health
- Committee Membership:
- Coordinator(s) - Instructional
- Director – Academic Instruction
- Director – Adult Education
- Director – Allied Health
- Director – Career Technology
- Director – Early College Enrollment
- Director – Enrollment Services
- Director – Financial Aid
- Director – Fiscal Services
- Director - Marketing
- Director – Nursing
- Director – Student Development
- Manager – Payroll
- Registrar
- 2 Support Staff
- 3 Instructors
- Scholarship Policy Sub-Committee:
- Sub-Committee Purpose: The sub-committee acts in an advisory capacity to the Student and Academic Affairs Committee in the formulation of procedures and responsibilities for the College’s scholarship program. The Scholarship sub-committee also recommends the procedure with which scholarships are awarded.
- Sub-Committee Authority: The sub-committee has the authority to make recommendations on policy related matters to the Student and Academic Affairs Committee. Non-policy decisions are brought to Student and Academic Affairs Committee for informational purposes.
- Sub-Committee Chair(s): Dean – Student Services
- Sub-Committee Membership:
- Chief Financial Officer
- Dean – Academic Instruction
- Dean – Career Technology
- Dean – Nursing and Allied Health
- Director – Enrollment Services
- Director – Financial Aid
- Instructor (Full-Time)- 1
- Student - 1
- Scholarship Award Sub-Committee:
- Sub-Committee Purpose: The sub-committee acts in an advisory capacity to the Student and Academic Affairs Committee in the award of scholarships for the College's scholarship program.
- Sub-Committee Authority: The sub-committee has the authority award scholarships to students. Non-policy decisions are brought to Student and Academic Affairs Committee for informational purposes.
- Sub-Committee Chair(s): Dean – Student Services
- Sub-Committee Membership:
- Chief Financial Officer
- Dean – Academic Instruction
- Dean – Career Technology
- Dean – Nursing and Allied Health
- Director – Enrollment Services
- Director – Financial Aid
- Student Appeals Sub-Committee:
- Sub-Committee Purpose: The sub-committee responds to student appeals related to academic suspension or admissions. The sub-committee decides if the recommendation is justified and sends recommendations to the applicable Dean. The applicable Dean determines whether to concur and, if concurrence is reached, the decision if forwarded to the President for final approval.
- Sub-Committee Authority: The sub-committee has the authority to make recommendations on policy related matters to the Student and Academic Affairs Committee. Non-policy decisions are brought to Student and Academic Affairs Committee for informational purposes.
- Sub-Committee Chair(s): Registrar
- Sub-Committee Membership:
- Director – Academic Instruction
- Director – Allied Health
- Director – Career Technology
- Director – Enrollment Services
- Director - Nursing
- Student Government President or designee
- Committee Purpose: The Student and Academic Affairs Committee serves in an advisory capacity to Instructional and Student Services Officers on the following matters:
- Executive Cabinet:
- Standing Committee and Sub-Committee Member Terms: Except where membership is defined by job title or another term length is noted, all standing committee members serve three-year terms that are staggered with appointments being made each year for the following three years. For purposes of committee assignment, the year begins on the first day of the Fall Semester and runs through the last day of Summer Semester. Members may be re-appointed to serve more than one term. Student representation on standing committees is specifically described in the committee procedure.
- Standing Committee and Sub-Committee Recording Secretary: A recording secretary will be voted upon by the members of the Standing Committee or Sub-Committee annually. The Recording Secretary will take minutes during the committee meeting and provide completed minutes to the Standing Committee Chair/Co-Chair by the established due date.
- Standing Committee and Sub-Committee Chairs/Co-Chairs:
- Standing Committee and Sub-Committee Chairs/Co-Chairs Appointments: Standing Committee Chairs/Co-Chairs are reviewed by Executive Cabinet by May 1 for the upcoming academic year.
- Duties of Chairs and Co-Chairs: The committee chair and/or co-chairs will:
- Conduct meetings at the date/time established on the Standing Committee schedule.
- Establish meeting locations.
- Seek agenda items by the due date.
- Create and distribute an agenda and all supplementary meeting materials by the due date.
- Conduct meetings in an orderly manner, using Robert’s Rules of Order, allowing appropriate participation of all individuals present.
- Ensure that minutes are written, approved, distributed promptly and posted to the Standing Committee site located in the Standing College Committees Section of the Employee Resources page https://coastalalabama.instructure.com/.
- Ensure that a clear consensus or vote is taken on action items.
- Act as a mentor or assign a mentor to new committee members who are unfamiliar with the committee.
- When utilizing a co-chair, announce to the committee members how chair/co-chair duties will be divided.
- When serving as co-chairs, communicate regularly with each other over the construction of the agenda and other relevant work.
- Standing Committee and Sub-Committee Members:
- Standing Committee and Sub-Committee Member Appointments: Standing Committee member appointments are made by Executive Cabinet by May 1 for the upcoming academic year.
- Duties of Members: All members will:
- Attend a minimum of 50% of scheduled meetings per year.
- Keep constituent groups informed of committee actions.
- Complete assignments associated with committee work by due dates established.
- Perform duties in a courteous and professional manner.
- Standing Committee Charters/Bylaws: This policy and procedure replaces individual standing committee charters.
- Meeting Attendance: Attendance at standing committee meetings and participation in electronic communication is required. After a committee member has missed two meetings, the committee may, through a majority vote, to replace the absent member.
- Ex-Officio Members: All standing committees may elect to request ex-officio members by title in their committee description. Ex-Officio Members do not vote on committee action and may not serve as a Committee Chair/Co-Chair. All others in attendance at meetings are guests or visitors.
- Duties of Ex-officio Members:
- Serve a committee by providing information and advice as deemed necessary by the committee.
- Duties of Ex-officio Members:
- Meetings:
- Each standing committee will meet in accordance with the pre-determined meeting schedule.
- Meetings may be face to face or by other electronic/digital means.
- Meetings will be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order (http://www.rulesonline.com/).
- A quorum must exist when a majority of voting members is present.
- During the meeting, voting will be by voice unless a written ballot is requested by any member of the committee.
- By a majority decision of the standing committee, a vote may be conducted electronically. When conducting an electronic vote, members submit their vote to the committee chair/co-chair in a manner that follows the spirit of an in-person written ballot (for example, votes will not be cast via a “reply all” email). All voting must remain open a minimum of 24 hours occurring within College business days. Results of a vote may be announced immediately following the close of the voting period.
- Agendas and Minutes:
- Agendas:
- A call for agenda items will be sent via a Coastal News message one week prior to the standing committee meeting. The call for agenda items will include a due date for all requested agenda items.
- Any member of the committee may request to have an item placed on the agenda within the established due date. The chair/co-chair will decide to add the item, defer the item, or decline the item with an explanation.
- Any non-member may request to have an item placed on the agenda by contacting the committee chair/co-chair or applicable constituent representative member. The chair/co-chair will decide to add the item, defer the item, or decline the item with an explanation.
- Agendas will be distributed in the Standing College Committees Section of the Employee Resources page https://coastalalabama.instructure.com/.
- Minutes: Minutes will be posted in the Standing College Committees Section of the Employee Resources page https://coastalalabama.instructure.com/ by the recorder determined by each committee.
- Agendas:
- Action/Recommendations: All action and/or recommendations from a Standing Committee will be placed on the Executive Cabinet agenda for review and approval. Items that are denied by Executive Cabinet will be communicated to the Chair/Co-Chair with an explanation for the denial.
- Communication of Standing Committee Outcomes: Standing Committee Chair/Co-Chairs will communicate a summary of committee meetings in November and April via the Administrative Counsel meeting and via a Coastal News announcements.
- Request for a New Committee: Requests for a new committee must be made in writing and submitted to Executive Cabinet for consideration.
Strategic Planning Cycle Procedures
- Committee Chair schedules the committee/sub-committee meeting based upon the meeting schedule.
- Committee Chair requests Agenda Items by the established due date.
- Committee Chair distributes Agenda and Supplementary Materials by the established due date.
- Committee Chair hosts the meeting in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order.
- Minutes are taken for all meetings.
- Actions / Recommendations from sub-committee meeting are reviewed by/approved by Committee.
- Actions / Recommendations from sub-committee meeting are reviewed by/approved by Executive Cabinet.
- Actions / Recommendations denied by Executive Cabinet will be explained.
Additional Provisions/Information
Refer to the Standing College Committee Chart below.
Refer to Robert’s Rules of Order http://www.rulesonline.com/