05.05 Student Clubs and Organizations

Original Approval:  04/01/2022
Last Updated:  06/03/2024
Last Reviewed: 06/03/2024


It is the policy of Coastal Alabama Community College to provide opportunities for students, regardless of campus, to participate in clubs, organizations, and activities.


This policy applies to all Coastal Alabama Community College students.


There are no definitions applicable to this policy.


  1. Organization Membership:
    1. The membership of a student organization must consist of enrolled students.
    2. College organizations will be open to all students in compliance with the College’s discrimination policies. 
  2. Organization Requirements:
    1. All clubs and organizations must conform to the laws and policies of the State of Alabama.
    2. The sponsors are generally required to attend most meetings or events of the organization. Sponsors are approved by the Dean of Student Services or designee.
    3. No club or organization will interfere or support interference with the regular academic pursuit of any student by causing or encouraging nonattendance at classes or college activities without prior consent of the Dean of Students in collaboration with the appropriate Instructional Officer.
  3. Tenure of Student Organizations: A student organization must submit a request to continue a club annually to the Dean of Student Services or designee through the Student Government Association.
  4. Establishing New Organizations:
    1. Any club wishing to sponsor a project of any nature must secure approval by the Dean of Student Services or designee a minimum of two weeks in advance of the project date.
    2. Student organizations are required to submit a statement of purpose, criteria for membership, a copy of the constitution and by-laws, and a current list of officers.
  5. Student Clubs and Organizations Fundraising: All fundraising conducted at the College must be related to the mission of the College and of the Alabama Community College System. Any fundraising conducted by any Student Club or Organization must be approved in advance by the Dean – Student Services.

    All funds collected from fundraising will be processed through the Fiscal Services Office and deposited into the applicable college account. It is illegal to deposit any funds into personal accounts. Revenues will be recorded as income in the club or organization account. Expenditures against those funds will be processed by requisition and purchase order and will be paid by check to the appropriate vendor. Under no circumstances should cash be taken from collected fundraising revenues and paid directly to vendors. Each Student Club or Organization must submit the name of the individual who will be responsible for submitting funds to the Fiscal Services Office. The Student Club or Organization Sponsor is responsible for maintaining these receipts. The Fiscal Services Office will maintain all documentation for review by the Examiners of Public Accounts.


Establishing New Clubs/Organization Procedures

  1. Request recognition by the Dean of Student Services or designee by submitting a completed New Organization Form located at https://www.coastalalabama.edu/campus-life/organizations/new-student-organization-form/. This form must be signed by club/organization sponsor. Included with this should be a copy of the proposed constitution and by-laws. The Dean – Student Services will provide a copy of this form will be provided to the applicable Campus Director(s).
  2. Each organization must have a full-time employee as a sponsor.

Additional Provisions / Information:

There are no Additional Provisions / Information applicable to this policy.