Breadcrumb Home Policies and Procedures Policies and Procedures Download as PDF Section 01: Introduction and General College Information 01.01 Welcome, Introduction, and Disclaimer 01.02 Mission, Vision, Values, Strategic Directives, and Accreditation 01.03 Development and Adoption of Policies and Procedures and Amending the Local Policies and Procedures and College Catalog 01.04 Local Assumption of Responsibility 01.05 General College Information and Resources 01.06 Minors on Campus 01.07 Right to Privacy 01.08 Standing College Committees 01.09 Notice and Flyer Posting Section 02: Compliance with Federal And State Law 02.01 Age Act Discrimination 02.02 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 02.03 Anti-Litter 02.04 Copyright, Trademark, and Patent Ownership 02.05 Drug Free College and Workplace 02.06 Equal Employment and Educational Opportunities 02.07 Ethics 02.08 Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) 02.09 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) – Buckley Amendment 02.10 Freedom of Expression 02.11 Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) 02.12 Harassment 02.13 Intellectual Property 02.14 Mandatory Reports of Child Abuse and Neglect 02.15 Misrepresentation 02.16 Missing Persons 02.17 Nondiscrimination 02.18 Rehabilitation Act 02.19 Records Confidentiality, Retention, and Destruction 02.20 Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, and Interpersonal Violence (Title IX) 02.21 Solicitation, Advertisement, Product, or Sample Product Dissemination 02.22 Students First Act 02.23 Tobacco Free Environment 02.24 Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act (VAWA) 02.25 Whistleblower Protection Section 03: College Communications 03.01 College Communications Section 04: Instruction and Academic 04.01 Instructional Affairs – General Operations 04.01.01 Academic Bankruptcy 04.01.02 Academic Calendar 04.01.03 Academic Freedom 04.01.04 Academic Honors 04.01.05 Attending Class 04.01.06 Classification of Students 04.01.07 Course Forgiveness 04.01.08 Credit by Other Means 04.01.09 Credit Hour Definition 04.01.10 Final Examinations 04.01.11 Grade and Readmission Appeals 04.01.12 Grading System and Quality Points 04.01.13 Maximum and Minimum Course Loads 04.01.14 Prerequisites 04.01.15 Standards of Academic Progress 04.01.16 Withdrawals 04.02 Program and Catalog Changes 04.03 Distance Education 04.04 Research on Human Subjects 04.05 Substantive Changes Section 05: Student Services Enrollment and Conduct 05.01 Admissions 05.02 Advising, Testing, and Registration 05.03 Student – General 05.04 Early College Programs 05.05 Student Clubs and Organizations 05.06 Student Code of Conduct 05.07 Athletics / Drug Education and Testing Student Athletes 05.08 Student – Formal Complaints 05.09 Student Records 05.10 Residence Halls 05.11 Graduation Section 06: Fiscal Services and Student Financial Aid 06.01 Accounting Procedures 06.02 Accreditation Expense 06.03 Audits 06.04 Auxiliary Services 06.05 Capital Assets 06.06 Financial Aid – Student 06.07 Financial Reporting 06.08 Paying for College 06.09 Purchasing 06.10 Refunds 06.11 Solicitation of Vendors 06.12 Travel and Travel Related Expenditures 06.13 Treasurer Designation Section 07: Safety Health and Security 07.01 Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) 07.02 Safety and Security 07.03 Disclosure of Campus Police Policies and Statistics 07.04 Crime Prevention for Students and Employees 07.05 Parking on Campus Section 08: Technology 08.01 Technology Services and Network Access Section 09: Facilities 09.01 Availability of College Facilities 09.02 Facilities Services Section 10: Personnel 10.01 Employee Benefits 10.02 Employment 10.02.01 Recruiting, Hiring, and Pre-Boarding/Onboarding Vacant Positions 10.02.02 Terminations of Employment (Offboarding) 10.02.03 Division Chairs 10.03 Working Conditions 10.03.01 Access to Personnel File 10.03.02 Base Campus 10.03.03 Criminal Convictions 10.03.04 Employee Discipline 10.03.05 Job Descriptions 10.04 Employee Complaints and Grievances 10.05 Paid Leaves and Time Off 10.06 Unpaid Leaves and Time Off 10.07 Performance Management 10.08 Pay and Salary Administration 10.09 Standards of Behavior Section 11: Foundation 11.01 Foundation
01.03 Development and Adoption of Policies and Procedures and Amending the Local Policies and Procedures and College Catalog