Original Approval: 04/01/2022
Last Updated: 06/03/2024
Last Reviewed: 06/03/2024
It is the policy of Coastal Alabama Community College to follow the Alabama Community College System (ACCS) policy on policy development. The Board of Trustees, upon recommendation of the Chancellor, will develop policies for the governance of the Alabama Community College System (ACCS). Refer to ACCS Board Policy 101.01 and Board Policy 210.01.
The Chancellor of ACCS has direct oversight and responsibility for the System.
In addition, the President of Coastal Alabama Community College will be responsible for developing local policies governing the institution. Coastal Alabama Community College reviews its Policies and Procedures, the College Catalog, and Handbooks on a scheduled basis. Information contained in these documents is subject to change. In addition, the College may update its documents off schedule, as needed.
This policy applies to all Coastal Alabama Community College students and employees during any activity involving the College, including the workday. In addition, visitors, vendors, contractors, and all other non-employees are expected to recognize and comply with College policies.
There are no definitions applicable to this policy.
System Wide Policy Development: Per ACCS Board Policy 101.01 and Board Policy 210.01, the Board of Trustees, upon recommendation of the Chancellor, will develop policies for the governance of the Alabama Community College System. The adoption of policy is the responsibility of the Board of Trustees. Any violations of such policies will be brought to the immediate attention of the Board of Trustees for its review and action.
The ACCS Board of Trustees serves the System’s institutions by supporting its missions and goals. The Governor serves as chair of the Board and the remaining board members are appointed from eight districts, with one statewide member and an ex-officio liaison from the State Board of Education.
Learn more about the Alabama Community College System Board of Trustees at https://www.accs.edu/about-accs/board-of-trustees/.
Local Policy Development: Local policies must be in accord with established Board of Trustees policies, Chancellor's regulations or guidelines, federal and state statutes, and appropriate judicial directions.
- Each division and/or department within the College is required to review the policies and procedures that directly impact its area. The employees of Coastal Alabama through official standing committees will assist in the development, review, and revision of policies for the College.
- The proposal of policy revisions, additions, or deletions should be recommended to the Executive Cabinet from the appropriate division or standing committee as an official request. That request is then reviewed by the Executive Cabinet for comment and/or approval. The Executive Cabinet has the authority to approve, deny, or alter a proposed policy. However, the President has the final decision-making authority for any policy adoption at the College.
- The College Catalog and Student Handbook are archived in the Registrar's Office.
- College Catalog Development:
- The Registrar maintains records on active and inactive programs, degrees offered and courses, appropriate approvals, a master course file and program review reports.
- All credit courses offered at Coastal Alabama Community College must have a course syllabus on file in the applicable academic department. Course master templates are updated on a regular cycle.
- The appropriate Instructional Officer ensures that the curriculum and course schedule meets college, state, and accreditation requirements.
- Occasionally, program changes are not made by the publication deadline and will be included in an addendum to the catalog. Every effort is made to create a complete and accurate document since student degree requirements may be governed by the policies outlined in the catalog and addendum.
Amending Policies and Procedures Manual Procedures
- Amendments are recommended by a member of the President’s Executive Cabinet and submitted in writing to the Executive Director – Human Resources.
- The request is placed on the President’s Executive Cabinet agenda for review and discussion.
- Approved Amendments are reviewed and approved by the President’s Executive Cabinet and distributed by Human Resources. The Human Resources Office is responsible for the appropriate distribution of Amendments via an electronic notification to all college employees (typically a Coastal News Announcement).
- Human Resources Office records updates to the applicable document and enters the date and update in the in the Record of Change spreadsheet.
- Human Resources Office requests that the Marketing and Communication Office (MARCO) save the updated policy on the College’s website by completing a web services request at https://www.coastalalabama.edu/marco/.
- Amendments not approved are returned to the originating Administrator by Human Resources with the reason for rejection or a request for revision. Revisions must be resubmitted to Executive Cabinet for review and approval.
Amending the College Catalog (Non-Instructional Departments) Procedures
- Department supervisors are notified that catalog changes and edits are due by the posted deadline.
- Updates on policies and procedures are submitted to the Executive Cabinet for review and approval.
- Changes are updated in the College Catalog and Student Handbook for the next academic year.
Amending the College Catalog (Instructional Departments) Procedures
- Changes to curriculum and academic policies and procedures are presented at the Curriculum Committee meeting. This committee reviews and/or approves curriculum and academic policies and procedures.
- Curriculum Committee, the changes are implemented in the next academic year College Catalog.
- Amendments to the College Catalog are completed using the following schedule:
Item | Reviewed Date(s) | Submission to Registrar Date |
Policies notated in the College Catalog | March | April 15 |
Academic Programs / Course Descriptions | March | April 15 |
College Directory | April 1 | April 15 |
Additional Provisions/Information
Refer to all Alabama Community College Systems (ACCS) Board Policies and Chancellor’s Procedures.